study and work abroad
Are you a recent graduate, thinking of the next step to take?
Do you need other ways you can boost your educational qualifications?
Do you have challenges getting a job in your own country?
Are you looking for a means to work and
study abroad?
You have come to the right place to learn all you want to know about studying abroad. Studying and working abroad involves leaving your home country to a more developed one to study or work.
In recent times, youths need to broaden their horizons and leave the comfort of their homes to go and gain more insight into life.
Studying or working abroad creates a lot of opportunities for people indifferent areas. Some of the benefits you stand to gain studying abroad is getting to see the world.
By studying or working abroad, you experience a brand new country with a different outlook, customs, and traditions. You also get to experience new styles of education, a new aspect of your course may be taught in a way that has not been taught before in your home country. You also benefit by taking in a new culture and honing your language skills. Study abroad also creates improved career
opportunities that are very attractive to future employers. You may even get an opportunity to continue your education to the highest level. In some countries, you are asked to remain do you get automatic employment after your study.
Working abroad also has its benefits, which include improving your resume for future job applications, the opportunity to earn more money, and some countries provide good social amenities to their citizens and non-citizens.
Some of the things you need to know about studying and working abroad are:
- Be selective of the country of your choice
- Read about their rules and regulations
- Make sure you have your passports and other traveling documents ready
- Apply for your visas advance
- Apply for jobs and also apply in reputable colleges or universities.
- In the case of studying apply for scholarships that will ease the cost of the education
- Make maximum preparations before going and be of good behavior
Leaving your home country is like a stepping stone to achieving all your goals.
Studying and working in countries with good economic growth and development audacity in achieving all these aims.
CONTACT US TODAY for proper planning of your trip and securing an employment placement and Admission before going Abroad.

travels and tours(uk, us, australia, canada)
Many Nigerians are faced with making the right choice of company to help them process their documents to travel to different countries of their choice. A few have fallen into the hands of dubious companies posing as a legitimate business, while some go there and get what they didn’t bargain for. But here at Nidomconsulting, we offer the best services to make your travels and tours to the UK, US, Canada, and Australia worthwhile.
The US, UK, Canada, and Australia are four of the most popular countries in the world. Each of these countries has something quite different to offer. From the Grand Canyon Park, the great smoky mountains, yellow parks, and even the Mississippi, the USA as a lot of tourist attraction S to offer, The beautiful mountains of Canada, stunning beaches of Australia and exciting cities of the UK and the hustle and bustle of the US may all appeal to you.
While Weather in the UK can be cold most times, even sometimes having snowfall in winter, the weather in Canada varies from the pacific to the Atlantic, depending on the location you want to visit. The Australian weather is also very nice, with various beaches to choose from, while the US experiences hot summers and cold winters. Each of these countries has their own cultures, and their people are friendly and accommodating.
Traveling there allows you to learn about other cultures, eat new delicacies, participate in big events or festivals, meet new people, and learn new languages. As part of preparing for your trip, if you don’t have your passport and visa, at Nidomconsulting, we help you arrange all these documents for affordable prices, and we do it fast. You don’t need to start going through the stress of going back and forth to the embassy.
Using our travels and tours outlet, you stand a chance to gain a lot, from good and affordable flight plans to choosing good airline services, selecting good outed and apartment in your chosen cities, connecting you with good tourist guides that will make you trip feel like home. We even plan your trips and all the activities you will like to perform there.
Let us make traveling and touring the UK, US, Canada, and Australia easy for you and your loved on

entreprenuership Orientation
Most small business owners possess certain levels of entrepreneurial skills. They have a little ability to find and act upon opportunities to translate inventions or technologies into products and services to profit. Entrepreneurship doesn’t necessarily deal with a new business; it can also be related to taking products from an old business or recreating an old business to a new capital innovation.
To fully develop as an entrepreneur, you have to possess some traits or behavior that will allow you to harness the abilities fully. These traits include management skills, innovating new business ideas, strong team-building abilities, and leadership qualities. Most importantly, for that you to be recognized as an entrepreneur, you have to be able to take risks, putting your career or time on the line for a business idea or uncertain venture.
Various strategies that could be employed in developing your entrepreneurial skills. Some of the Strategies entrepreneurs may use include: Innovation of new products, services, or processes. Continuous process improvement (CPI). Exploration of new business models. Use of technology. Use of business intelligence. Use of economic strategies. Development of future products and services. Optimized talent management. Entrepreneurial marketing strategies for interactive and innovative networking.
Entrepreneurship development helps in developing the entrepreneurial abilities and to sometimes polish and incubate some of these skills that are already present in business owners. The main objective of entrepreneurship development is to motivate individuals to choose entrepreneurship as a career and prepare them to exploit the market opportunities for owning businesses.
These objectives can be short or long-term goals. Entrepreneurship development creates room for self- employment and success in business.
A major challenge posed by entrepreneurship development includes a stimulating role (influencing people to develop managerial, technical, and financial skills. Inculcating personality traits, promoting entrepreneurship skills, influencing and motivating people), a supportive role which includes registration of businesses, procuring funds, selection, and preparation of projects, purchasing of equipment, guidance, and support needed for business persons.
Entrepreneurship development also performs the sustaining role, including creating new business models and ideas, modernization, expansion and, sustaining the business, creating additional sources of income, and improving business infrastructure. Finally, it also performs the socio-economic role, which helps the business owners upgrade the socio-economy, create job opportunities, focus on even distribution of wealth and stop centralization of industries.
Becoming an entrepreneur doesn’t improve your business alone, staying an entrepreneur causes the best changes you can get in today’s business world.
Enrol for any of our courses below:
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Entrepreneurship
- Marketing Management
- Personnel Management
- Strategy Management
- Small Business Management

vocational education/skill acquisition programs
A Vocational education involves working as a
technician or taking employment in a skilled
craft or trade.
At Nidomconsulting, we offer a wide range
of skills (Hard and Soft) which can help our
clients in making progress in life. Outlined
below are some of our Vocational Training:
Hard Skills:
- Computer Literacy
- Graphics Design
- Fashion & designing
- Cosmetology
- Catering
- Bag/Shoe making
- Hair dressing
- Bead making. etc
- Web Design
- Event Decoration
- Photography
- Video Coverage
- Barbing
- Communication
- Leadership
- Team Work
- Time Management
Having some of the above vocational
skills can help positively and create a means
for independence for the client.
Some of the things you are likely to gain from
having vocational skills include:
- You don’t need to wait for a white-collar job
- You can become Your boss and employer of labor, thereby impacting society
- It helps youths develop a different attitude towards work and labor
- Helps to reduce poverty
- Helps increase self-reliance and independence
- It also diversified job opportunities: when you possess many skills, you are
likely to get offers from different top employers around you
- It increases effective functioning and reduces the crime rate.
- Vocational education builds self-esteem, increases the growth process, and never-ending changes.
Therefore, acquire a relevant skill which in the
long run can help secure a that can make a
positive impact on your career path and
All these skills can be acquired at affordable fee and at your own pace.

writing business plan/visibility study/proposal
There’s a saying that goes ‘if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail’. As an upcoming business owner, you must create a plan that will move your business forward, increase sales and help promote your goods beyond expectations.
A business plan is a written document that tells you what to do and how to do it in business. Business plans are most strategic; there are a start point and a goal or a destination within a period. A business plan should include an executive summary, company description, marketing strategies or analysis, adaptability to the audience, and the purpose of the project.
A feasibility study has to do mainly with research on making decisions. They help a company decide whether they are ready to make changes in how they run their business. Feasibility study most times give advice or provide solutions to some of the decision-making process affecting a business.
Writing proposals entails product or services description. Business proposals are used to persuade an organization to buy your product or service. It can either be solicited (the prospective clients may ask for it) or unsolicited (you have to do it yourself).
Writing business plans, feasibility studies, and even a proposal requires professional assistance. Nidomconsulting will provide a business plan that will aid your business, help make decisions even help write proposals that will assist in getting business gigs and opportunities. Having all these in place have the purpose of:
- Reducing risks of running at a loss.
- Makes supervision of the business more accessible and under control.
- Facilitates planning.
- Facilitates the execution of work.
- It allows the business owners to understand opportunities, test business ideas, it adds confidence, and it enables you to generate enough capital and finance for the company.
Business feasibility studies, writing business plans and proposals are essential when starting a business. But to do research and collect all the necessary data is difficult in the initial stages. Although the results of all these do not fully reflect the actual business process. But the results can give you your picture in making important decisions in your business. The importance of this business feasibility study not only ensures that you have profit potential but will also pay attention to prospective investors.

career counselling
Career counseling
Most people of this age and time find it difficult to choose their career paths professionally. They seek help in searching for Vocations and Careers that can benefit them in their lives. They need help and advice on how to manage their journey through managing career changes or dealing with other Career-related changes. They are in this dilemma because they have not heard of career counseling.
Career counseling is a branch of counseling or advice-giving. It supports providing arm of psychology that helps clients or individuals on advice on managing their journey through life, learning, and career changes. It includes career exploration, negotiating salaries, making career choices, managing career changes, and other career-related issues.
Career counseling is perfect for all classes, from students to undergraduates and even professionals in various fields.
In our organization, you stand to benefit a lot by making us your career counselor in numerous ways like:
Enhancing your brand, Setting directions, and goals in your career.
Great effective interview techniques and tips determine strengths, interests and values that will aid in career growth.
Teach job search techniques, such as utilizing search platforms and building a professional network.
Assess and improve resumes, cover letters, portfolios, and professional networking profiles. We possess various skills like research, active listening, critical teams problem solving to shape your goals, preference, abilities, experience, and education into a professional plan by providing varying methods of counseling that can work with different scopes.
We provide individual counseling, which involves a professional counselor working one-on-one with a single client, enabling them to improve positively in job search, interviews, and assessment.
We also offer group counseling, which allows each group members to learn from one other in addition to hearing from the counselor after assessment and discussing the outcomes of each assessment and test.
We make use of the electronic media in providing counseling modules via computers and the Internet. We also have computer-based assessment inventories that can provide more information to clients that need help in searching for a productive career.
In this age and time, we don’t need to get stressed over our choices of careers or making job-related decisions when career counseling had been made available to help you. Don’t worry too much about settling lifelong career goals.

digital marketing
Nidomconsulting makes use of the most suitable channel that will aid your growth as a business owner and help you minimize financial loss, help identify your goal, and make sure they are S. M. A. R. T. (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Timed). Join our digital team now, and watch your business grow speedily!
Bose is a fashion designer who is competent and good at what she does, but she doesn’t make as much as she deserves. Then she meets Ola, a fashion designer like her, but his income is way higher than the efforts she puts in her work. When asked how she does it, she said she employed a digital marketer who helped her in marketing her products by increasing her customer base, advertising her products online with the advent of technology.
Ola employed digital marketing, a type of marketing that uses the effect over the internet to drive traffic and, eventually, sales. Digital marketing, as the name implies, makes quality use of digital tools like search engines; google, yahoo, etc. to advertise and promote your business. Also, other tools like email marketing and social media marketing
As a business owner in today’s time, you have to be like Ola, who made use of a set of tools that promoted her services online. She did this using the internet to drive traffic and eventually move sales.
Below are the advantages of Digital Marketing:
· Helps both small and medium scale businesses
· Increases sales by building and maintaining Long term customer relationships
· Helps them to learn about customer needs and profitably meet them
· Offer a multi-channel approach to boost conversions
· It helps create brand loyalty
· It gives room for competition with larger corporations and target their ideal audience or customer base.
Some of the tools needed for improving your business through digital marketing are email marketing, web forms, analytics, keyword rank trackers, or design tools. In order not to be caught up in a situation like Bose, you have to employ the skills of the digital marketer which you can find in our company. You do not need to stress yourself overlooking for a target audience, how to go about expanding your customer base, and also how to keep expanding your market in the digital world.
- Content Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Web Design (Using WordPress)
- Google Analytics
- Social Media Marketing (Facbook, Instagram and Whatsapp Business)
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)